
.לכל ידידינו וקרובינו, לשנה טובה תכתבו ותחתמו   

5767. As I look back to what I wrote a year ago I have to say that in some ways at least, it was an improvement on the two previous years. But it was a year in which divisions among us grew inexorably, a year in which the deliberate and totally illegal destruction on the Temple Mount reached horrifying proportions which none seriously tried to do anything about, a year in a part of our land uncontested by anyone who believes we have a right to a country at all was rocketed daily as if such were a normal thing, a year in which all too many (including my dear mother) became sick or were hit by road accidents, a year in which Jonathan Pollard and the kidnapped soldiers continued to languish in unjustified captivity and thousands whose homes were taken from them by the Government continued without permanent housing and employment.

I am sure you will all join me in wishing "tama shana vekileloteha, tahel shana vebirkoteha" (loosely, good riddance to a year with all its curses, welcome to the New Year with all its blessings).

We wish you and the whole House of Israel a better year than they can possibly imagine, the first of many.

And even for those of you who had a good year, may the best moments of 5767 be equal to the lowest moments of 5768.

If we have in any way fallen short of what should have been expected of us please grant forgiveness. If you believe we may feel the same of you, we have already forgiven.

Leshana Tova Tikatevu veTehatemu (may you be inscribed and sealed for a good year).

Judy, Yossi & Chava Devora Kir-on (Kreitman)

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